ScreenSplitr 2.3 & iDemo 1.2.0 out

ScreenSplitr 2.3 is now compatible with iOS5. You can download inskam app for pc and on Cydia. In this version, the app doesn’t prompt you anymore with a local notification when trying to connect to it over WiFi using iDemo. Instead you can set up a password to protect access when you launch ScreenSplitr.
iDemo 1.2.0 is also out with full support for ScreenSplitr 2.3 new authentication method and a bunch of improvements including Full Screen support! Check it out


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iDemo 1.1.0 out

iDemo 1.1.0 was released with tons of new features.
Check it out @

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iOS 4.1 fix

In case you haven’t noticed, a few weeks ago, we’ve released a fix for ScreenSplitr issue on iOS 4.1+. It is available on Cydia (BigBoss repo).

We’re now back in business.